Let Yo Skirts Fly!

Let Yo Skirts Fly!


This Price Includes PayPal Fees

Topic: Let Yo Skirts Fly!
Get Kae’s secrets and tricks to make your skirts go ”swish & swash" with the beautiful ATS slow turns, and add "pep & flip" to your Tribal spins with this workshop.

This workshop is about 1.5-2hrs and includes a thorough warm-up, technique/concept breakdowns, drills, and a quick cool-downs.

You will receive the access link & password for this workshop within 48 hours after purchase. You have 30 days to enjoy take this workshop from the day the link is emailed.

So looking forward to dancing with you!

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Registration & Access

Please purchase mindfully, as no refunds are available. This workshop follows a one link per person policy—if your dance friends would like to join, each person must purchase their own spot. Please do not share the link or password you receive with others. Your support helps keep these offerings going, and I truly appreciate it!