Musicality Lab Part 1 and Part 2

Musicality Lab Part 1 and Part 2


This workshop total hour is approximately 6 hours.

You learn your musicality just like learning your tastes for food, clothes, colors, etc. You’re influenced by people, community, and culture you are surrounded and grew up with. My tastes for music and how I interpret the songs I dance to were cultivated throughout my study & career in the original FatChance troupe and influenced heavily by my teachers, my dance-mates, and the cultures the original troupe had, and that’s what I will share with you in this workshop!

Learn how to efficiently study the songs you’re dancing to so that you can improvise with confidence as well as how to see the colorful characters of our steps, and practice dancing to some of the most challenging songs from the FatChance’s favorite playlist to build your music hearing muscles and heart!

  • Part 1: Music for this art form & How to study the songs. (There’s some homework before Part 2)

  • Part 2: Colorful characters of the existing step vocabularies.

    Cost: $150 for both Part 1 & Part 2 (PayPal Fees are included)
    BRING: a big towel and a note & pen

You’ll receive the link to the first set of workshop videos within 48 hours of purchase. You’ll have 15 days to complete this first section. Once you’ve finished, the link to the second set of workshop videos will be sent to you, with another 15 days to complete that section.

So looking forward to working with you😆

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Registration & Access

Please purchase mindfully, as no refunds are available. This workshop follows a one link per person policy—if your dance friends would like to join, each person must purchase their own spot. Please do not share the link or password you receive with others. Your support helps keep these offerings going, and I truly appreciate it!